News Archive


Phenotypic screening is in a renaissance phase and is expected by many academic and industry leaders to accelerate the discovery of new drugs for new...


Die Suche nach neuen Medikamenten ist ein kostspieliges, langwieriges Unterfangen. Mit Open PHACTS gibt es nun eine innovative Plattform, die von...

Forschungsnewsletter April 2016

The transmembrane ABC transporters P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) are widely recognized for their role in cancer...


The human ATP binding cassette transporters Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) and Multidrug Resistance Protein 1 (P-gp) are co-expressed in many...

Book Chapter

Computational Chemogenomics, Pan Stanford Publishing

ISBN: 9789814411394

This book focuses on applications of compound library design and virtual...