Running Projects

Logo - Vienna Business Agency

  • AI4Health - "Using AI for detecting drug-drug interactions":
    • This project’s goal is to develop a cutting-edge platform that can detect and analyze unwanted interactions between two or more drugs. This will empower patients, health care professionals, and scientists to gain valuable insights and receive warnings regarding the potential risks associated with combining certain medications.

Logo - Europin

  • EUROPIN - "A European Pharmacoinformatics Initiative":
    • Developing a European PhD curriculum in Pharmacoinformatics

Logo - Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

  • InSilify DrugTox - "A broad computational retrospective analysis of pharmaceutical scientific advice and authorization data to evaluate the predictivity and usability of toxicological in silico models in drug development"
    • In this project we aim to determine the accuracy of state-of-the-art in silico modelling programs to predict various toxicity endpoints from an extensive drug development and authorisation archive. This will inform whether computational toxicology can already be safely implemented in drug development.

Logo - University of Vienna

  • NeGeMac - "Next Generation Macrocycles to Address Challenging Protein Interfaces":
    • Research Platform addressing several important aspects of the early chemical drug discovery phase, funded by the University of Vienna.


  • RISK-HUNT3R - "RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs":
    • The vision of the RISK-HUNT3R consortium is to develop a reliable, efficient and cost-effective chemical safety assessment approach.

Finished Projects

Please go here to see our Finished Projects.