Showing entries 1141 - 1170 out of 2413
Tieber, C 2015, 'The Angry Young Man and his Good Son: Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan', Paper presented at Anthropology: One Region and a World Culture - Festsymposion zum 60. Geburtstag von Kultur- und Sozialanthropologin Elke Mader, Wien, Austria, 10/10/14.

Tieber, C 2015, 'Writing the Angry Young Man: Salim-Javed's screenplays for Amitabh Bachchan', Paper presented at 7th Screenwriting Research Network International Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 16/10/14 - 19/10/14.

Charton, A 2015, »Tzintzar eta tzintzarots, tut eta tutot«: Schellen und Tuten. Einige Überlegungen zum baskischen Theater. in A Charton & C Kirschstein (eds), Pezzi chiusi : Geschichten, Konstellationen, Reflexe.. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig, pp. 133-166.

Vill, S 2015, Displaying Midsummer Night's Dreams. in R Weiss, L Schnauder & D Fuchs (eds), Anglo-German Theatrical Exchange: "A sea-change into something rich and strange?". Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, Leiden, Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, vol. 181, pp. 337-370.

Peter, B 2015, Adolf von Sonnenthal. in S Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Actors and Acting. Cambridge University Press, pp. 539.

Peter, B 2015, Alexander Girardi. in S Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Actors and Acting. Cambridge University Press, pp. 220.

Müller, K & Winkler, D 2015, Arditi, Ascaride, De France. in French Cinema in Close-Up: La vie d’un acteur pour moi. Phaeton.

Braidt, A 2015, Becoming with Animals: On the Construction of interspecies relationsships in Anna Jermolaewa's recent work. in A Jermolaewa & C Erharter (eds), Good Times, Bad Times. Anna Jaermolaeva. VmfK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien, pp. 17-25.

John, R 2015, Bolex and the Act of Filming. in V Pantenburg (ed.), Cinematographic Objects: Things and Operations. August Verlag, Berlin.

Peter, B 2015, Charlotte Wolter. in S Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Actors and Acting. Cambridge University Press, pp. 623-624 .

Showing entries 1141 - 1170 out of 2413