Publications, Patents, Books and Book Chapters


Williams, AJ, Harland, L, Groth, P, Pettifer, S, Chichester, C, Willighagen, EL, Evelo, CT, Blomberg, N, Ecker, G, Goble, C & Mons, B 2012, 'Open PHACTS: semantic interoperability for drug discovery.', Drug Discovery Today, vol. 17, no. 21-22, pp. 1188-1198.

Weissensteiner, R, Steinkellner, T, Jurik, A, Bulling, S, Sandtner, W, Kudlacek, O, Freissmuth, M, Ecker, G & Sitte, HH 2012, Towards an understanding of the psychostimulant action of amphetamine and cocaine. in Sensory perception. mind and matter. Springer, pp. 183-203.


Malle, E, Zhou, H, Neuhold, J, Spitzenberger, B, Klepsch, F, Pollak, T, Bergner, O, Ecker, GF & Stolt-Bergner, PC 2011, 'Random Mutagenesis of the Prokaryotic Peptide Transporter YdgR Identifies Potential Periplasmic Gating Residues', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 286, no. 26, pp. 23121-23131.

Parveen, Z, Stockner, T, Bentele, C, Pferschy, S, Kraupp, M, Freissmuth, M, Ecker, G & Chiba, P 2011, 'Molecular Dissection of Dual Pseudosymmetric Solute Translocation Pathways in Human P-Glycoprotein', Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 443-452.