News Archive

Open Access

Given the complexity of the T-cell response, we explored different approaches to enhance the model’s performance and generalizability. This involved...

Open Access

Are you curious what is known about SLCs? And how they are related? We are enthusiastic about our manuscript presenting the data- and...


Tarik Ćerimagić successfully defended his master thesis: "A Multi-Task Deep Neural Network Approach for Data Imputation of SLC Transporter...


On July 10th, 2024 our colleague Aljoša successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Machine Learning Approaches for Off-Target and Bioactivity...

Open Access

A big applaus goes to our Post Doc Sergey Sosnin for his open access publication on the development of a smart software tool for chemical risk...

Open Access

Proteochemometric modeling (PCM) combines ligand information as well as target information in order to predict an output variable of interest (e.g....

Open Access

Our new open access publication on ProteoMutaMetrics is out now! This work was performed within the REsolution project and was also supported by the...

Open Access

Read our new open access publication by Palle Helmke, Barbara Füzi (former group member) and Gerhard Ecker on improving the drug development process.


InSilify DrugTox is amongst the seven projects that were granted by the Austrian Science Fund FWF to enable research on different possibilities to...


We warmly welcome Sharath to the Pharminfo group! His expertise includes AI-assisted drug discovery and cheminformatics. We look forward to working...


We are excited that our project AI4Health - Using AI for detecting drug-drug interactions - was recently granted by the Vienna Business Agency.


In the past years the interest in Solute Carrier Transporters (SLC) has increased due to their potential as drug targets. At the same time,...