WikiPathways 2024: next generation pathway database


The WikiPathways database continues to grow with contributions from the community, and has become widely adopted for pathway information and visualization. Infrastructure changes using existing low-maintenance solutions like GitHub will enable automated pathway curation, increased focus on community outreach and continuous integration and delivery. The new WikiPathways website provides myriad features for interaction with the database, ranging from searching and browsing, to connecting with authors and communities, to making edits and learning how to contribute, to exporting pathway information in a variety of formats. We invite all interested researchers, authors and developers to participate in the WikiPathways project.

Ayushi Agrawal, Hasan Balcı, Kristina Hanspers, Susan L Coort, Marvin Martens, Denise N Slenter, Friederike Ehrhart, Daniela Digles, Andra Waagmeester, Isabel Wassink, Tooba Abbassi-Daloii, Elisson N Lopes, Aishwarya Iyer, Javier Millán Acosta, Lars G Willighagen, Kozo Nishida, Anders Riutta, Helena Basaric, Chris T Evelo, Egon L Willighagen, Martina Kutmon, Alexander R Pico. WikiPathways 2024: next generation pathway database, Nucleic Acids Research, 2023



WikiPathways ( is an open-source biological pathway database. Collaboration and open science are pivotal to the success of WikiPathways. Here we highlight the continuing efforts supporting WikiPathways, content growth and collaboration among pathway researchers. As an evolving database, there is a growing need for WikiPathways to address and overcome technical challenges. In this direction, WikiPathways has undergone major restructuring, enabling a renewed approach for sharing and curating pathway knowledge, thus providing stability for the future of community pathway curation. The website has been redesigned to improve and enhance user experience. This next generation of WikiPathways continues to support existing features while improving maintainability of the database and facilitating community input by providing new functionality and leveraging automation.

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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Copyright © 2023, © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

Copyright © 2023, © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

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