ToxPHACTS Webservice online


A data driven expert system for toxicological read across - now online! ToxPHACTS is free of charge for non-commercial use.

We are very happy to announce that our service ToxPHACTS is now publicly available. ToxPHACTS is free of charge for non-commercial use. We are grateful for any comments and suggestions.

Our main motivation for going ahead with ToxPHACTS is the excitement about translating our scientific research ideas to real products, which assist the development of new safe medicines and lead to a considerable reduction of animal experiments.

For comments and suggestions regarding the non-commercial version of ToxPHACTS please contact Gerhard Ecker. For commercial opportunities please contact Phenaris. Please find further explanations and information under the following links.


Go to ToxPHACTS Webservice and try it yourself.

Click to open high-resolution screenshot

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